Friday, November 20, 2009

I am Jodie, a woman living a life of leisure.
Because you know us moms who stay home just sit around all day watching TV and eating chocolate. I can't say I have never had a day like that, its just not typical. Besides we are one of those weird families that don't have TV. I guess I should say we don't have cable or satellite or a crazy antenna on the roof. I like to watch movies though and cartoons are like magic when I need to cook.:)
We are a family of four living in Alabama. We have a house and a yard and a white picket fence. We actually just finished making it white today.
My husband is Mr.Pirate. That's what I'll call him here anyway. He is a gamer. He is a hard working man. It seems he can fix anything. He is also chief dishwasher in our house. He is the one who painted/stained our fence white. Hey I helped some. Really I did.
Our daughter and first born is Miss K! She is 5.
Our son and second born in Mr.E! He is 2.
They are both wonderful helpers when they feel like it and when they don't, they end up helping anyway. Everyone helps out around here. Momma can't and shouldn't do it all herself.
We've just bought our first house this spring and we are slowly working on it.
That's it in the picture.

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